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Visible Thinking Routine

II am talking about the issue of what would have happened if the organizations Leith approached for help with her every breath counts movement rejected her. From the perspective of the Organizations. WE were recently approached by Leith to fund her and help with supplying medical Oxygen to developing countries for Pneumonia victims and COVID 19 patients. She wants to call it take a breath, but she's not very well known and I don’t know if we want to invest in her because she just seems to be a random woman with a passion. There is no huge media spotlight behind her and it looks like she wouldn’t make a huge impact at all. We have already supported movements like this and we did, Frankly, lose a lot of money that could have gone to paying employees and bills. We would have loved to help but she's put us in a tricky position and we had to say no unfortunately. Though it was for the greater good. 



I am talking about the issue of what would have happened if the organizations Leith approached for help with her every breath counts movement rejected her. From the perspective of Leith herself. My attention has recently been drawn to the issue of COVID and Pneumonia patients who are suffering in 3rd world countries because they don’t have enough money, and their medical systems are biased to the handful of wealthy families that live there. These poor men and women are suffocating on their own air and being left to die. That would never happen in our high call societies in Australia. They would  be treated until there was nothing else to do. I contacted some familiar companies and organizations to fund and help me. They refused. I feel extremely disappointed and let down. The whole point of movements are to shed light and help others. They definitely just didn’t want to invest in me and I think its selfish to refuse others suffering to help yourself. I hope next time that they will step up and help me. 



I am talking about the issue of what would have happened if the organizations Leith approached for help with her every breath counts movement rejected her. From the perspective of the hospital staff expecting her medical Oxygen. We were told by Leith ,a wonderful woman, a few weeks ago that shewas gathering help and was going to fly over and deliver masses of medical Oxygen for our suffering patients. We got the news just this morning that she doesn’t have the help she wanted and now can't bring the Oxygen over. We feel broken. We have to watch people die every day and we were so excited to see them walk or talk again. Now our hopes have been broken. Our government couldn't care less about their citizens dying. We wish that those Organizations would just give a little bit more or just care. We understand that we might not be worth it to them I we wish we were. 

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