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Jacob Booker Bio riddle 


Who am I? 


I care, I love, support those in need 

I live for planting the equality seed 


I wait for it to grow and push in between 

Not for money or fame, mostly unseen 


The world works in peculiar ways 

And I work to harness caring each day 


I’m the global Australian of the year 

An activist helping those dears 


And as the bone thin children hold back tears 

I feed them and show the working gears 


I work in various areas 

Poverty, Famines and provide careers 


Who am I 


My first name is Leith but you’ll have to guess my last 

And I'm happy with what I accomplished in the past 


But I'm still eager to do more only helping quenches my thirst 

Of supplying medical oxygen in a movement then I was first 


I went Global a few years ago and have helped millions 

As I said I'm an activist I don’t sit around on a pavilion 


I’ve saved lives, lessened graves and funerals 

How many countries have I been to? Numeral 


I hate seeing people ignore the pain across the world map 

There's so much wrong for the poor and there seems to be no cap 


I was just an average woman until I gained a new perspective 

Suddenly I realized how our great lives here are deceptive 


The world is out of balance, and I mean to set it straight 

But on the heavy side of distribution in the riches eyes turns to dead weight 


If I look at the world we need to start over, a clean slate 

For those crying children need an update 


Guessed my last name yet, maybe not today 

I don’t need recognition anyway 

Leith Greenslade pic.jpg

I am Leith

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