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The Big Question

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Who is Leith? 


Leith Greenslade is a vastly passionate advocate for the empowerment of women and children. Ms. Greenslade is the founder of Just actions LLC where she works with the world's leading innovators to reach ten mutually reinforcing goals globally. She states that the purpose of her organization is to mobilize humanities most precious resources, doctors, inventors, politicians, artists, activists, teachers, and young people everywhere to make one of her ten goals their life's work. Ranging from, preventing early death to making sure every child has a proper education. Just actions crowd selects earth’s most talented people to work on the worst problems. Her most recent Movement was “every breath count” where she supplied medical oxygen to elevated risk areas in developing settings across, Latin America, Asia, Africa, and the middle east, during COVID 19 as well for more Pneumonia patients.   


She is a very proud member of every woman every child movement and has served as the high chair of the MDG Health alliance, a growing network of leaders committed to accelerating the global health goals. With being married to new and innovative ideas, she has founded two global innovation teams that work on the health of children and an investment circle that floats female social entrepreneurs working, globally. She served on the one and only US Board of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and in several different positions with the Australian Government, including roles with the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister for Health, the Leader of the Federal Opposition, and the shadow minister for Australia's Social Security and the Status of Women globally. Here is a quote that simply demonstrates the level of care and rooted determination she has for the worlds potential. “A child’s quality of life, even whether she lives to turn five, still depends on where she happens to be born. Until that inequality is erased and every child faces the same opportunities to thrive and shape the world, our struggle for justice continues.” 


Every Breath Counts Movement 


Clearly already we know that Leith is very impressive. But some people's resume can look amazing but actually just be inflatable. To prove that Leith has put her heart and soul into all the work she does we will go into depth on the Every breath counts movement. A large number of Organizations have joined forces to help Leith with her Every breath counts foundation. It is the first public-private partnership to support low to middle income countries government's (LMICs) to reduce all-cause pneumonia deaths by 2030. 


Pneumonia is the leading infectious killer of women and children, responsible for about 2,500,000 deaths in 2019. Including 670,000 deaths of children under just 5 years old. According to the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) this does not include the 2,000,000 deaths from COVID-19 in 2020. Prior to the pandemic pneumonia deaths happened to be declining by a seriously slower rate than the other infectious diseases that are killing millions. Between the year 2000 and 2019 pneumonia deaths fell by just 14%, while measles declined by 86%, 45% HIV/AIDS, 37% for Malaria and Diarrhea and 31% for tuberculosis, according to the GBD. If this Drowsy slow rate keeps following on and doesn’t drop for quite some time then these LMICs will struggle to drive down the rate of child pneumonia deaths down to 3 every 1000 live births, which is the rate required by the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3.2. And with the well-known Coronavirus increasing respiratory deaths in adults around the globe, many more countries will struggle to push down the cases for SGDs.  


The Every breath counts team focus national and international efforts to identify and close the gaps in pneumonia prevention, diagnosis, and treatment for vulnerable populations could prevent most of the pneumonia deaths that are occurring each year. And when COVID-19 vaccines are at full proofing, deaths from SARS-CoV-2 should also drop dramatically. To help governments in LMICs experiencing high amounts of pneumonia deaths among both adults and children, including from Coronavirus. The Every Breath Counts Coalition is mobilizing participants and supporters to help close the most crucial gaps in pneumonia prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. 


Leith's family 


As we all know families are a huge part of life. Everyone has a family whether they're blood or just amazing friends. Balancing home life and work is an especially exceptional task. Most Mums do it every day but Leith has to deal with saving lives and driving her kids to school. Leith has three young children at home and does a very special job of flipping from starting movements and making dinner or putting them restlessly to bed.  


How Leith Inspired me 


The Main reason that I picked Leith as my notable was because my mum works for an Organization called advance which celebrates Australia's Diasparra. My mum actually got to meet Leith as she won the Global Australian of the year award and had to be interviewed. After My mum met her all she talked about was Leith for a few days and how lovely and impressive she was. That’s when the spark started.  


When my mum's award night came out and we watched Leith talk for about 10 minutes, it was incredible. She seemed so kind and she was talking about real problems that I didn’t even think about or knew existed before she brought them to my attention. I realized that I was so cushioned in my life in Sydney and that Leith had gone out of her way to jump out of that cushion and help others whose lives are just filled with horrors.  

She inspired me to do something in my life that helps others and not just myself. Though it's not in the same area I want to be a forensic psychologist  to help families find what's happened or incarcerate bad people. Sometimes I wonder what all the children who are suffering think about me, not caring, filthy rich and someone who does nothing for the rest of the world. I never want to be a person like that and Leith has showed me that that can easily happen and I can fill my life with the joy of improving other lives. 


Characteristics of Leith Greenslade 


Leith Greenslade has particular characteristics that shape her love for the people around her and the people she helps. She has an extreme passion for her work which shows when she talks about what she's done and her work, her eyes light up. It's very special to see that someone who has an extremely stressful hard and one that takes away your time. If nobody in the world did what Leith did it would be so hard for the people in developing countries. There would be no support and no hospitals or volunteers coming out for the health of young children. Many people around the world who live in working class or middle class society (and even millionaires) will just to themselves "oh someone else will do it" well Leith is that person. She thrives under the push and shove and the joy of families thanking her for saving a baby from a disease. She thrives with the passion of doing things for other people and not just expecting someone else to do it for her. 


Leith is a team player. She has the capabilities of running the entire organization of Just actions on her own but it would probably kill her if she tried. Leith founded two teams that specifically focus on healthcare and then her job is to mobilize them so they can spread their (E.g.) new medicine to suffering elders. She will check in with the teams regularly and even help with their projects while she handles her own medicines and movements.  


Leith is a highly notable person 


All in all there are many notable people out there, Thomas Edison, Nelson Mandella. They all share the same thing. They all have done something that helps many other people, Not for money, not for fame but out of the recesses of their heart. She has an exceptional track record where she has worked with governments, developing countries and teams of innovative men and women. She fights for what she thinks is right and has the confident roar of a lion protecting it's cub. She births ideas and collaborates with teams every single day of her life. She doesn’t do anything at work for herself, it's always to help others. Leith has all these qualities. They shape and define the best people of the world and for that she is notable. 

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