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Diary Entry

Today is the first day of every breath counts movement has been fully in action. I have spent weeks planning this. I am like a conductor and I have brought together a mass number of organizations and I plan to help hundreds of thousands. Just a few weeks ago a virus hit the world called COVID 19 and it was affecting pneumonia patients the most. It is a very contagious sickness and thousands are dying each day. As an activist I went deeper and looked at what no one else was. All the world was looking at the huge cities and the ambulances blaring and racing to the hospitals. When I realized that no one was paying attention to the 3rd world countries then I realized I had to do something. Thousands of small villages and communities were being affected and the populations were dropping like flies. They had no medical equipment to save babies, pregnant women, and the elderly. The vaccine is about a year away still now. There are no ventilators to pump oxygen into the lungs of dying humans. They are just like all of us yet they are pushed away and left to suffer. I refused to let that happen. 


Immediately I contacted the organizations I knew and have worked with on other movements before. My aim was to supply Asia, Latin America and Africa with medical oxygen and other equipment. These poor countries with no money. It is about pneumonia patients and COVID patients. I am about to fly across the globe and deliver these Masses of equipment to these poor villages. 


I am excited to help as many people as I can. I feel amazing. It's like I've just been set free from a cage. I need to accomplish this and I hope that lots of people respect and see this movement and pay more attention to the wrongs in this world and try their best to make it better. After all it’s the next generations planet and we need to preserve it for them and keep it running so they can have their dreams reality. 

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