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Open Ended Questions

  1. Where does your motivation come from? 

  2. What was your greatest achievement ? 

  3. What was the greatest moment of your life? 

  4. What was the lowest point of your life? 

  5. What was the highest point in your life? 

  6. Why do you take out of your life to help others? 

  7. Do you have a rival or enemy and who are they? 

  8. What is the kindest thing you’ve seen someone do? 

  9. What is the most corrupt thing you can't stand? 

  10. If you could bring your life Goals down to one what would it be? 



Answers to  

  1. I think my motivation comes from knowing that some people would just never do the things I do because it makes them feel uncomfortable or they just can't be bothered. As a mother and a woman I have experienced a lot of inequality, expectation that I should just be cooking and cleaning all day. It became my life goal to break the Mould. My eyes opened to innovation and I didn’t want children and girls to grow up around the world and have the same life, same rhythm and same fate to every other child by the same infectious disease. 

  2. My greatest achievement in life was being able to look down at a baby in its crate or where ever it was sleeping and know that even when it didn’t know that I had lengthened and improved the quality of its life for the better. 

  3. The greatest moment of my life was when I had my children. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever done in my life. I also couldn't bear to think that at that exact moment a woman in another country might have just had her new born baby die in her arms. 

  4. The lowest point in my life was when I had to go to Africa to supply hospitals and the locals with medical oxygen for Pneumonia cases and I didn’t have enough.The highest point in my life was when I had all 3 children in the house and going on with their life while I could do work from home with my maternity leave. I realized how special my family was to me and what fun I can have. 

  5. The highest point in my life was when I had all 3 children in the house and going on with their life while I could do work from home with my maternity leave. I realized how special my family was to me and what fun I can have. 

  6.  I take time out of my life for others because they are getting time taken out of their life except they don’t have a choice about it whereas we in a developed country would never think that just the flu would kill us. 

  7. I think that my true rival and enemy is death. I spend all my time and energy trying to bring life and save life for others when death comes out with a new virus, a new killer, a new accident all things will die but they shouldn't have to die at such quick mercilessness. 

  8. The kindest thing I've seen someone do was a family of 8 who would share one potato to eat between them every night as their only food, offer the whole potato to me just to be kind. 

  9. The most corrupt thing I can't stand is governments not caring about citizens when it is their job to help and protect their population in any way they possibly can. 

  10. If I could bring my life goals down to one would be that every child and every woman and every man has an equal chance at succeeding in life and not being condemned to poverty because they were birthed in one specific area of the planet. 

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